
Top posts of 2014

So now that 2014 has officially ended I've had time to sit down and look back at the past year of blogging. I've taken a look at which posts were widely viewed, pinned and shared. So without much they are (in order) my top 5 posts of 2014.

best blog posts 2014

posted 8/11
rice vingear cucumber salad

posted 1/09
easy strawberry brownies

Posted 5/21
cinnamon for plants and gardening

Posted 10/30
how to dry herbs

Posted 2/26
make egg shell people planters

I had to include the number 6 post because it strikes me as funny. I wrote it after a particularly frustrating ordeal with those annoying squishy water balls otherwise known as Orbeez. What to do with Orbeez (water beads). Apparently I'm not the only person who's staring at them thinking "yeah, but what do they DO?' lol

So, that's it for last year! If you are one of my homesteading friends I hope you'll check the other blog for the Top 5 Poultry Posts of 2014. Happy 2015!



  1. Wonderful posts!! The egg people totally made me laugh & the strawberry brownies are making my mouth water!! Thank you so much for sharing on the CLIMB blog hop!

  2. Great, love the egg people, thanks for linking up at Good Morning Mondays, please come back. Blessings
