
My top posts of 2015

As the new year kicks off I can't help but look back at 2015 and see how things went here on the blog. I've figured out the top posts of last year according to views, shares, pins etc. I wasn't too surprised to see that many of the top posts were garden related. That's definitely a good thing since I have a lot more that I worked on during gardening season. I just have to actually find the time to get them written now. I also have another EO experiment and several healthy living posts to tell you all about!

gardening, natural healthcare

Without any more rambling I give you the top posts of 2015 starting with the most popular:

I chose to stop at 9 since the numbers got pretty close after that. These 9 all received a lot of interest and I'm just flattered that so many people took time out of there days to read, pin, share, tweet my posts! Thanks so much!


1 comment:

  1. Some great posts here! Thank you for sharing this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)
