
Must know Winter tips for dogs

Most of us know to dress warmly, wear gloves and take other precautions when it's cold and snowing out. We especially know to make sure our kids are dressed correctly for cold weather. It's just second nature to not want to be uncomfortable so we take measures to prevent against it as much as we can. Most people don't think about their dog in the same way though. 

2 different dogs outside in winter/snow

Many pet owners believe that because their dog has a fur coat that they can tolerate the cold better then we can. That's not always the case. Truth is, they're just as used to a nice warm house as we are...and the cold weather can be just as much of a shock to them as it is to us. Luckily there are a few simple things you can do to make winter a little easier on them.

  •  Trim the fur on the sides of your dogs paws and between the toes to minimize ice and snow accumulation.
  •  Your dog’s fur insulates him against the temperatures. Groom your dog regularly during winter to keep his coat in top shape. A well groomed coat can help a dog to hold onto his body heat better.
  • Be careful with space heaters and fireplaces. When cold, dogs will seek out heat sources and may sleep too close to them. You wouldn't want your pooch to get burned.  

a jack Russel terrier dog sleeping on a heat vent in the floor

  •  Dress your pet, especially if she has short or thin fur. Not only do they look cute, but a sweater, coat or even an old shirt will help to retain body heat and keep her dry. Walmart carries dog sweaters in all sizes from $6-$9 so you don't have to spend a ton, and they're cute. In I Dressed The Dogs, I wrote about how I find cheap or free sweaters and coats for my dogs.
  • Clear as much snow as possible from the areas your dog walks in like sidewalks and driveways. Snow starts to melt as soon as it gets near the dogs body heat which quickly makes the fur on their legs wet. Keeping them out of deep snow helps them to stay dry (and warm) longer. Here are some great ways to Remove snow from a gravel driveway.
  •  Use a pet-friendly ice melter on sidewalks, driveways and patios instead of the regular rock salt or other chemical ice melters. We like Safe Paw (we get it at Sam's club. They usually have the best price)
  •  Massaging coconut oil or a Paw Balm into paw pads before going outside helps to protect from salt and other chemicals. (the paw balm in the link is non-toxic and hypoallergenic!)   
  •  Better yet, get a set of doggy boots. Boots help minimize contact with salt crystals and chemical ice-melting agents. They keep the paws clean so you don't have to wash them off when they come inside. Just slip the boots back off and your done. No more worrying about them licking salt from their paws. Plus, it's really funny the first time a dog wears a pair! (videotape that! 😂) These are the ones my dog has.  
  •  If you can't use boots, wash and dry your pet's feet to remove any chemicals after walking so they don't lick their paws. 
  •  Rub coconut oil into your dogs paws after washing to heal dryness and prevent cracking of the pads. Do not use petroleum jelly as they may lick it off and the chemicals are not good for them!
    Boxer dog sitting in snow beside house
  • If the weather's too cold for you, it's probably too cold for them too. The colder it gets the less time they should be outside. People tend to think that animals can handle winter weather because of their fur. This only works if they were acclimated slowly like an outdoors only dog (who should still have adequate shelter from the elements) With inside dogs their fur does not grow in thicker over winter and they really don't have that much protection from the cold, especially short haired breeds. Dogs are susceptible to both frostbite and hypothermia and should be kept inside as much as possible.
  • I know it's not as big of a problem as it is in summer, but fleas and ticks are still around in winter. Don't skimp of the flea preventatives just because it's chilly out. This is especially important if you go to dog parks where other dogs will be playing. It only takes seconds for fleas to hop off one host and find another so make sure your dog is protected. 
  • Keep your dog on a leash or in a fenced dog park area. Many dogs become lost in the snow because they can lose your scent easily and become lost as they try to find you.
  • If you're cold, they're cold! Keep walks short and to the point. Playing with your dogs indoors can help burn off excess energy when you can't spend time outside. 
Lets keep all our furred friends warm and healthy this winter!


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  1. Great tips! Thank you so much for the reminders!

  2. We've been having warm weather lately and I'm loving it. Once winter returns (and it will), I'll keep these tips in mind to keep my dog safe and warm.

  3. Thank you for sharing these tips. I know there are a lot of newbie dog owners out there and it is important that they know all of these things to keep their fur babies protected.

  4. Thanks for these great tips. Now that we live in Florida, we don't have to worry about harsh winters. Our 2 dogs love it down here!

    1. I loved living in Florida! (I'm so jealous right now!)

  5. I think it would be good to dress the dog to give them more warmth and comfort during winter. This would be great for dog lovers as it can also free them sometime too.

  6. My pets don't really like me dressing them up and putting dog coats on them. Good tips on the trimming for the hairs around there feet. Will keep that in mind.

    1. I've found that they get used to it if you do it enough. Even my cat has a coat! lol

  7. These are all great tips. I have all big dogs that love winter. But we have had a lot of super cold days, so I minimize their time outside!

  8. These are great tips for dog owners. We don't have a pet, but I have a friend with 3 dogs. I'll share this post with her!

  9. These are all wonderful tips. We always inspect our dogs paws for cuts from ice or anything else after being outdoors. Does wearing a man made coat hinder the winter coat the dog will grow?

  10. This is great information! My pup loves our morning walks, but I was worried about her sweet paws. Great tips here! Happy Monday! Megs

  11. There are a lot of extra things to think about when you have a pet! My dog hates the cold so she has lots of winter accessories haha.

  12. Where I live, the climate is always hot so we have to make sure the puppies always stay cool! I hadn't considered that dogs would need extra coats for places where it snows!

  13. My dogs are short-haired, so they really can't stand the cold too long. They seem to warm up quickly when we go for a run, though, when we come home they actually feel hot when I take off their coats. I don't do much for their paws,though I should try coconut oil, I'm not sure if we run into salt.

  14. I didn't know that they can smell our scent through the snow, that's interesting to know. Thank you for these tips, we have two dogs and it is important to know these things.

  15. I hadn't thought about the need to trim fur on paws, I would have thought the more the better! Guess I'm used to short hair dogs. Share your post with us on the Pet Parade! New link up starts each Friday. ~Rascal and Rocco

  16. My fur baby stays indoors and is rarely outside if it's cold out. That being said, these are great tips for outdoor pets!!

  17. These are really great tips for dog owners to keep in mind during the winter. We don't have a dog, but my mom does. Using a dog friendly ice melter is a really great idea!

  18. Really helpful tips! I have two dogs and we live in Wisconsin so do a few of these. I learned a few new ones too, thanks for the ideas!

  19. Love these tips.. very useful! i will pass this info to my mother in law., she lives in Minnesota!

  20. These are some really interesting tips, I didnt know about massaging petrolelium jelly on the paws protects the dogs from salts and chemicals

  21. These are great tips! We don't live in a snowy area, but when we travel we bring the pets so this is good to keep in mind for us

  22. These are all great tips to care for our precious fur babies. We treat our two dogs like royalty. So glad you shared with us at Merry Monday.

  23. Hello!
    I was stopping over from the Simple Homestead Blog Hop and I am so happy I saw your post. So often I worry about my livestock in the winter and I forget about my pets. This is a great reminder to also help them deal with the frigid temps of winter. :)
    Tracy Lynn

  24. It's so funny--my dog WANTS to be outside when it's freezing out. I just don't understand it lol. But I am totally getting her a pair of boots because cleaning muddy paws is no fun. Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!

  25. I'll definitely have to remember these tips whenever we get a dog. The thought of ice and snow in their paws just makes me so sad! Thanks for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!

  26. We just got a new fur family member and it has been so cold, I have been worried. Thanks for the great tips :) #happynowlinkup

  27. Great tips fr our wonderful fur babies. Thanks for sharing this at the DI & DI Link party, we loved having you.

  28. Great reminder! I know my son brings his dog in when it's very cold. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  29. Some pawsome advice and ironic too since we just posted a recipe for an easy-to-make paw balm that has worked wonders in our snowy neighborhood. 🐩

  30. Good Advice,,, Here in NH, we have a sweet medium size beagle,,, OMG,, he loves his coats and sweaters --i think he feels loved and cared for in them. we keep them clean and dry. They are also wonderful to catch shedding.

    1. Awwww, how sweet! I have a cat that likes her sweaters too. So cute!

